Osidicacid, also known as 3-hydroxyquinoline 2-carboxylic acid, is a chemical compound with the molecular formula C10H7NO4 and CAS number 27741-01-1. The compound is typically used as a chelating agent or metal-ligand mediator in the fields of analytical chemistry, biochemistry, and pharmaceuticals.
Chemical Name: The chemical name of osidicacid is 3-hydroxyquinoline 2-carboxylic acid, which describes the chemical structure and composition of the compound.
Molecular Formula: The molecular formula of osidicacid is C10H7NO4, indicating the number and types of atoms present in the compound.
Formula Weight: The formula weight of osidicacid is 209.17 g/mol, which is the calculated weight of one mole of the compound.
CAS No: The CAS registry number of osidicacid is 27741-01-1, which is a unique identifier assigned to the compound by the Chemical Abstracts Service.
Top Searched Keywords on Google and Synonyms on Google: Some of the top searched keywords for osidicacid on Google include "osidic acid," "3-hydroxyquinoline-2-carboxylic acid," "chelating agent," and "metal ligand mediator." Synonyms for osidicacid include quinolin-3-ylcarbonyl-hydroxy-acetic acid, 2-carboxy-3-hydroxyquinoline, and quinoline-3-carboxylic acid.
Health Benefits: There are currently no known health benefits associated with osidicacid consumption, as the compound is primarily used in laboratory and industrial settings.
Potential Effects: As a chelating agent or metal-ligand mediator, osidicacid may have the potential to interact with various metals in biological and environmental systems. This could lead to changes in metal bioavailability or toxicity, as well as alterations in biochemical and physiological processes.
Mechanisms: The mechanism of osidicacid action is primarily through the formation of chelate complexes with metal ions, such as copper, zinc, and iron. These complexes can alter the solubility and bioavailability of metals, which can have impacts on biological systems.
Safety: Osidicacid has not been extensively studied for safety in humans, as it is primarily used in laboratory and industrial settings. However, as with any chemical compound, basic safety precautions should be taken when handling osidicacid, including wearing appropriate personal protective equipment and using proper ventilation.
Side-Effects: There are no reported side-effects associated with osidicacid consumption in humans, though prolonged or high-level exposure to the compound could potentially lead to toxicity or adverse health effects.
Dosage Information: As osidicacid is not used as a dietary supplement or medication, there are no established dosage recommendations for its consumption.
In conclusion, osidicacid is a chemical compound with applications in the fields of analytical chemistry, biochemistry, and pharmaceuticals. While there are no known health benefits associated with its consumption, osidicacid may have potential effects on biological and environmental systems through its ability to form chelate complexes with metal ions. As with any chemical compound, basic safety precautions should be taken when handling osidicacid, though there are no reported side-effects associated with its consumption in humans.