dBRD9 CAS: 2170679-45-3 is a newly synthesized chemical compound that is being researched and analyzed for its potential benefits in the field of medicine. This article aims to provide a detailed overview of this product, including its chemical name, molecular formula, formula weight, and CAS No., along with its top keywords, synonyms, health benefits, potential effects, product mechanism, safety, side effects, and dosing information.
Chemical name:
The chemical name of dBRD9 CAS: 2170679-45-3 is N-(4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)-2-((2,6-difluoro-3-(methylsulfonyl)phenyl)amino)pyrimidine-5-carboxamide.
Molecular formula:
The molecular formula of dBRD9 CAS: 2170679-45-3 is C20H12ClF5N4O4S.
Formula weight:
The formula weight of dBRD9 CAS: 2170679-45-3 is 542.84 g/mol.
The CAS No. of dBRD9 CAS: 2170679-45-3 is 2170679-45-3.
Top ten keywords:
Some of the commonly used synonyms for dBRD9 CAS: 2170679-45-3 include N-(4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)-2-((2,6-difluoro-3-(methylsulfonyl)phenyl)amino)pyrimidine-5-carboxamide, dBRD9, and chemical compound 2170679-45-3.
Health benefits:
Research studies have shown that dBRD9 CAS: 2170679-45-3 may have several potential health benefits. One of the major benefits of this compound is its anti-cancer properties. It has been found to inhibit the growth and spread of cancer cells in the body. Additionally, dBRD9 has anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce inflammation in various parts of the body, which can help to prevent and treat several diseases.
Potential effects:
The potential effects of dBRD9 CAS: 2170679-45-3 are still being studied and researched. However, some of the possible effects of this compound include:
Product mechanism:
The precise mechanism of action of dBRD9 CAS: 2170679-45-3 is still being studied. However, initial research studies suggest that this compound works by inhibiting the activity of various enzymes and proteins in the body. It may also work by targeting specific cancer cells and preventing their growth and spread.